Nintendo president, Reggie Fils-Aime (aka the Reggienator) has spoken out about the "used games" market, which is currently gaining popularity at retail stores.
" We have products that consumers want to hold onto. They want to play all the levels of a Zelda game. A game like Personal Trainer Cooking has a long life. We believe used games aren't in the consumer's best interest ".
" Describe another form of entertainment that has a vibrant used goods market. Used books have never taken off. You don't see businesses selling used music CDs or used DVDs. Why? The consumer likes having a brand new experience and reliving it over and over again. If you create the right type of experience, that also happens in video games. The one retailer that has a substantial business in this has figured out a way to handle it in a way that is effective for the consumer. That's tough for other retailers experimenting with this, in part because their employees don't have the expertise in this market ".
Reggie's stance is an obvious one, since Big N doesn't make any money from titles that get resold. What's your take on used games?
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