Anubis II rated worst Wii game

Anubis II rated worst Wii game

Popular product advice site Testfreaks has rated Anubis II as the worst game on the Wii system, awarding it a lowly 1 out of 10.

Despite its name, the game isn't actually a sequel to anything, thankfully there is no Anubis I. Set in Egypt, you take control of Anubis, a supposed guardian of the underworld in the form of a jackal thing with a shiny staff.

Like all the other Popcorn Arcade titles, Anubis II has been slammed critically across the board for shoddy development using the "GODS" engine made by Data Design Interactive. Popular complaints include:

Bad camera.Ugly environments.Sparse sound effects and awful soundtrack.Impossible minigames.Almost identical to Ninjabread Man.

Should Nintendo exercise some quality control in extreme cases like these? For all intents and purposes Anubis II is considered broken. As a general rule, if Popcorn Arcade is on the box or Data Design are involved, don't even think about it.

To see other Freak Scores, visit the Testfreaks Nintendo Wii games page.

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