Ninja Commando on Virtual Console

Ninja Commando on Virtual Console

It's a Neo-Geo Friday for Virtual Console users in Europe and Australia.

Seems to me like this system and the TG-16 get a LOT of VC releases considering they weren't exactly the most popular consoles. I don't even know anybody who owned either. So how about some games that.. y'know.. were playable on NINTENDO! HNNNNNGGGGG \m/ >_< \m/


Ninja Commando (Neo-Geo)Art of Fighting 2 (Neo-Geo)

See you Monday for the US releases, and have a chipper weekend. Ehehe.. "chipper".

Bionic Commando: Rearmed will have PSN exclusive content
Super Mario RPG for Japan’s VC
One WiiWare Game and One Virtual Console Game Added to Wii Shop Channel