DSi safety advice

DSi safety advice

Nintendo's latest handheld, the DSi was released over in Japan on November the 1st. A time of joy for sure, but equally a time of hazard and peril.

As always, Nintendo has packed in a manual with a goldmine of useful tips, keeping both the user and device safe from harm.

DSi safety advice

Direct sunlight may cause your DSi to go blind.

DSi safety advice

DSi is not suitable for vampires.

DSi safety advice

Never allow your DSi behind the wheel.

DSi safety advice

DSi does not require a jimmy.

DSi safety advice

Bird tables are just one example of inappropriate storage.

DSi safety advice

DSi will not enjoy a quick brew.

DSi safety advice

Bling should be kept to a minimum.

DSi safety advice

CAUTION: The elderly may not understand.

DSi safety advice

Be wary of any 3rd party stylus.

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